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Welcome to the Divi Project documentation repository! This service provides a comprehensive overview of everything in the Divi ecosystem. Use the navigation pane at the left side of this page to select the documentation you would like to read.


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Security Hygiene Best Practices

Cryptocurrency gives users the power to control their own finances. As with any great power,it must be wielded with great responsibility. Below are some Pro Tips for keeping your personal security hygenic and, most importantly, under your control.

Encrypt your wallet via the Desktop Smart Wallet ™

Upon first opening the Divi Desktop Smart Wallet ™, you will be prompted to secure your account's funds with encryption. This is highly recommended and can be done in about 30 seconds. Simply set your password, confirm it, wait for the daemon to restart, and you're on your way to a more secure crypto user experience!

Backup your wallet with a mnemonic seed phrase

Divi does not have access to any individual accounts and cannot recover funds if they are lost. To prevent loss of funds, it is recommended that you take advantage of our HD Mnemonic Seed Phrase feature. This feature will generate a random, 24-word phrase that can be used to recover your wallet should you lose access to it.

Keep your passwords and seed phrase offline

Do not, we repeat, do not, store your encryption password or mnemonic seed phrases in online storage services. The best practice is to keep a copy of your password and mnemonic in separate secure locations that only you have access too. Never store your password or seed phrase in the same computer as your Divi Desktop Smart Wallet, in a text document, or piece of paper that may be accessible by others.

Never allow access or share your wallet files with anyone

Members of the Divi team will never request access to your wallet.dat or any other file that may reveal access to your keys or coins. If a member of the community or someone claiming to be a Divi team member makes an attempt to access this data, please report them immediately to an Admin. Admin and Support will never ask for access to your computer.

FAQ / Troubleshooting

General FAQs

Q: Where can I fill out a support ticket or find live support?

A: You can create an account and open a support ticket here or join us on our Telegram Support Channel You can get Community help on our Forum

Q: Where can I share my great ideas to enhance Divi?

A: Come join us on our forum

Q: What are the implemented core Divi features that stand out from other projects?

A: Read about some of our unique features here

Q: Who is the team behind Divi?

A: You can view our stellar team here

Q: What is

A: Diviscan is our block explorer, where you can view vital information about the blockchain, search transaction hashes and addresses, and view block information.

Q: Where can I find an updated roadmap?

A: You can always view our roadmap here

Q: What is the difference between DIVX and DIVI?

A: DIVX, or Divi Exchange Token was a placeholder token that served as a fundraising vehicle to build the Divi protocol. DIVI is the main network coin used today.

Q: What is the difference between Proof of Work, Proof of Stake and Delegated Proof of Stake?

A: // TODO

Q: Can I mine DIVI with a GPU or ASIC?

A: DIVI is not mined, it is minted. As such, no specialized hardware is required to earn rewards. Better hardware will not give a single node the upper hand when earning.

Q: Where is the official Divi Github located?

A: Find our GitHub here

Q: What happens to the transaction fees that are generated on the system?

A: Transaction fees in the Divi ecosystem are burned

Q: Where do I report potential bugs?

A: You can open a general, public support ticket here or for GUI or CORE bugs, go here

Wallet FAQs

Q: Where can I find the most up-to-date Divi wallet?

A: You can download it right from our website

Q: Why do I continue to see a spinning red circle after my seed recovery says 100% completed?

A: In the background, your node is being reindexed to accurately restore your balance and transaction history

Q: Why does my wallet take so long to load?

A: If your computer has an HDD, your wallet may take a bit longer to load. The system is building a brand new wallet file to store all your data. It is relatively complex, so be patient.

Q: Why does my wallet take so long to sync?

A: Depending on your system specs and network connection, your node may take longer than others to sync.

Q: How do I know if I won a lottery block?

A: Lottery blocks always come in 25 200 or 252 000 DIVI increments. You can view them in your GUI's Transaction History on the "Lottery" tab

Q: Why do I sometimes see large transactions in my wallet?

A: This is the result of a larger UTXO that is being reflected by your wallet. Whether it be a staking attempt or some other wallet activity, one of your accounts took part in the output of the transaction. Don’t worry, you didn’t lose or gain anything. It's just the blockchain acting as it should.

Q: What should I do if my wallet continues to attempt to sync for over 30 minutes?

A: Try these instructions

Q: Where are my wallet and other critical files stored?


Q: Where can I buy DIVI?

A: You can find all our current exchange listings here

Q: What if my Divi wallet fails to start?

Almost all tools are available in your wallet in the Settings area under Maintenance.

A: First try exiting the application and restarting. If you’re still having issues, restart your computer and reopen Divi Desktop

B: Second try the "Clear Cache" button to fix most sync issues. You should see sync begin within 1 - 5 minutes. Standard sync can take 40 minutes to 8 hours with a fair internet connection.

Q: My balance is 0. What happened to my funds?

A: If you're using a Windows wallet, try going into Users<your_username>\AppData\Roaming\DIVI, if you see both wallet.dat and wallet.dat.rewrite remove wallet.dat and rename wallet.dat.rewrite to wallet.dat

Q: I don't see wallet.dat.rewrite but I see wallet.dat & wallet.<numbers>.bak or some equivalent.

A: Stop the wallet. Move all wallet.<numbers>.bak and wallet.dat files to your desktop. Enter the backups directory and pull out one of the wallet.dat backup files into the main DIVI directory. Rename the file to wallet.dat and restart the wallet.

Masternode FAQs

Q: Am I able to host masternodes on my home computer without the need for cloud services?

A: Technically, yes, it is possible, though not suggested. Many internet services offer dynamic IP addresses or semi-static IP addresses. You must set this IP when following the self-supported masternode process. Every time the provider changes the IP, your masternode will stop, and you will need to reconfigure.

Q: Do I need to keep my home computer turned on to receive masternode rewards?

A: Not if you’re using our MOCCI. Once your masternode is deployed remotely (to the cloud), you may close the local Divi Desktop application.

Q: How much should I expect to make with my masternode?

A: You can view one of our community masternode calculators for an estimate

Slater Masternode Calculator Masternodes Online OriZ Calculator

Q: Where can I track the profitability of various types of masternodes?


Q: How long until my masternode is eligible for awards?

A: The formula is 2.6 * # of Masternodes in the Network, in minutes. So if there are 1200 masternodes, that will be 52 hours.

Q: Am I required to use Digital Ocean to create my cloud-based Masternodes?

A: If you choose to use the MOCCI, the node will be deployed to a distributed network of hosting providers. If you choose the self supported method you can review our guide.

Q: How do masternodes work in layman’s terms?

A: Masternodes are special peers in the network that serve as a method of securing and verifying transactions. They require a certain number of coins to be allocated to them, and as a reward for supporting the network, they earn additional coins, which are sent to the wallet from which the Masternode was deployed.

Q: When should I expect my first masternode reward?

A: The selection algorithm is relatively complex, but you can read more about it here. Because we have developed the system to maintain decentralization and randomness, it is difficult to predict when a masternode will receive its first reward. Sometimes it is within 3 hours, sometimes 7 days. In the end, the system is built to average out rewards so that earnings are fair based on the masternode level selected.

Q: Is there a partial refund if I decide to remove my masternode at any point during the month?

A: The cost of the server is a flat fee and not based on usage. Each month is paid up front and cannot be refunded. You may cancel your subscription at any time.

Q. Do I need to set up a VPS account for my masternode?

A. MOCCI allows users with little or no blockchain knowledge, minimal computer skills, and a debit or credit card to launch a masternode. You only need a VPS if using the self-supported method.

Q. Can I deploy more than one masternode from the same local wallet?

A. You can deploy as many masternodes as you would like from the Divi Desktop Application and MOCCI.

Q. How can I make sure my masternode has been deployed successfully?

A. Click your overview in Divi Desktop Smart Wallet, then click the masternode tab. This will display information about your masternode running status.


**Q. What is MOCCI

Q. What is the cost to deploy a masternode?

A. The cost of the hosting ranges from $10 to $15 depending upon the tier of masternode.

Q. Where do the fees go for MOCCI hosting?

A. The payments are made to Divi Labs.

Q: My incoming masternode reward status has turned green. Why does my balance not reflect the reward?

A: It may take 15-20 confirmations before your masternode rewards are reflected in your balance.

Q: Am I able to host multiple masternodes in the cloud or with MOCCI using a single IP address or droplet?

A: No. Each Masternode requires a unique, static IP address in its own droplet.

Q: Should I create a new wallet address for each incoming transaction?

A: It is a best practice to do this but it is not necessary.

Q: Support asked me to submit a copy of my log file. Where is this file located?


Q: Why does my balance not decrease when I purchase a masternode?

A: When you create a new masternode, the funds are allocated in a transaction that is broadcast to the network. It will take a few confirmations for this transaction to be validated, after which time you will see your funds reappear minus the transaction fee.

MOCCI Hosting (PayPal Payment) FAQs

Q: Why am I seeing "Redeployment Required?"

A: If you have been running a masternode for longer than 2 months, the version of Divi Core that is running in the cloud requires an update and must be redeployed.

Q: If I cancel my subscription early, do I receive a refund?

A: The subscriptions are non-refundable but will last through the final day of your billing period once canceled.

Q: If I dismantle a MOCCI masternode, will I have to pay to deploy another one?

A: No, you can dismantle/deploy as many nodes of the same value as long as you do so within the same billing period.

Q: If I cancel my subscription via PayPal and not through the Desktop app, what will happen?

A: Your MOCCI masternode will remain active until the end of your billing period, and will be automatically dismantled at the end.

Q: Why are Copper and Silver $10/mo., while Gold, Platinum, and Diamond are $15/mo.?

A: While all the nodes can run with a similar amount of memory and CPU power, in the future the Gold, Platinum, and Diamond nodes will be used to carry and process metadata throughout the network. This upgrade will require more memory to maintain optimal throughput and scalability. Think of it as future-proofing the network.

Q: Copper and Silver nodes cost $10, what if I'm not seeing enough rewards to pay for the cost!

While the rewards for Copper and Silver should balance out to cover the cost hosting, if you are dissatisfied with the cost per performance of the lower tier nodes, we recommend staking your coins to continue earning Divi or setting up your masternode manually.

Q: Do I need a PayPal account to subscribe to MOCCI?

A: No. While you can use your existing PayPal account or create a new one, you can also use a credit or debit card to subscribe.

Staking FAQs

Q: Does my wallet need to be open to receiving staking rewards?

A: Yes, in order to earn staking rewards, your node must be funded with at least 10,000 DIVI, be unlocked (or unlocked for staking), and have a persistent connection to the network.

Q: What is the minimum amount of DIVI coins I need to enable staking?

A: 10,000 DIVI and they must not be funding a masternode already.

Q: How do I know my wallet is actively staking?

A: You can check if your wallet is staking by opening the console in the top right corner of the GUI and typing getstakingstatus. You will see a response showing relevant information about your staking status that should look like this if all is good:

## Staking active
    "validtime" : true,
    "haveconnections" : true,
    "walletunlocked" : true,
    "mintablecoins" : true,
    "enoughcoins" : true,
    "mnsync" : true,
    "staking status" : true

Q: How many confirmations are required before staking rewards are mature?

A: It takes 7 days to be fully staking. A detailed description of staking rewards and how to maximize them is here: Staking Divi

Q. Where can I see the rewards each of my masternodes has been receiving?

A. In the masternode list in the wallet, there’s a box with reward information.

Q. HELP! I accidentally closed the client in the process of deploying a masternode. Am I going to get charged for this?

A. If the masternode has not been started, isn’t active, and isn’t showing in the list you will not be charged.

Q. How do I defund a masternode?

A. From the GUI, all you have to do is click the ‘X’ on any of your nodes. If you’re using CLI, you can delete the configuration line relating to the node in the masternode.conf file then restart your daemon. This will de-allocate the funds.

Q. How can I tell if I am receiving masternode rewards?

A. All masternode rewards are currently for 540 DIVI. Look for them in Overview or in the Rewards tab in Transaction History.

Q. What is the difference between total balance and spendable balance?

A. Your total balance includes coins that are funding your masternode(s). Those are locked away and can’t be spent unless you defund them. Spendable balance then is everything left over, and it’s what you can Stake with.

Q. The rewards my masternode received don’t match the balance shown on diviscan. Why is that?

A. Once you receive enough from a masternode to start staking, your wallet may begin to use those funds for just that. It is also possible that your wallet allocated earned funds to a new masternode if you have more than one deployed.

Q. The Client tells me “can’t check for updates” and then establishes no connection or peers, what should I do?

A.Check your firewall software (or Voodoo Shield) and make sure there’s an exception for:

On windows the first two are in c:\users\username\appdata\roaming\divi desktop\divid\unpacked\divi_win_64 and the latter is in c:\program files\divi desktop

Q. HELP! My client just closed on its down/disappeared from my hard drive. What do I do?

A. Your threat protection may take extreme action and actually remove anything Divi related, including the installation file. Look in their AV/threat protection quarantine, and restore the following files:

and make sure they will not be rescanned in the future.

Q. How do I receive staking rewards?

A. It happens automatically, but the wallet needs to be unlocked for staking. When you receive a staking reward, you’ll see it appear as a deposit. Your wallet has to be open and connected to the internet to receive rewards.

Q. Why does my spendable balance keep fluctuating?

A. Your balance may fluctuate if your wallet is actively staking.

Q. HELP! I know I have enough to deploy a gold masternode, but it’s not letting me do it.

A. Your spendable balance may be fluctuating due to staking, and as a result, you may have insufficient funds to deploy a masternode until the UTXO returns from staking.

GUI is Stuck Syncing

If the wallet is stuck syncing you can force it to sync by following these steps:


Step 1: Locate the Divi Desktop Icon

Step 2: Right Click and select properties

Step 3: In target area locate "C:\Program Files\Divi Desktop\Divi Desktop.exe"

Step 4: add -resync to the end after the double quotes so it looks like this

"C:\Program Files\Divi Desktop\Divi Desktop.exe" -resync

Click Apply and Ok.

Step 5: Start your wallet

Step 6: Locate the Divi Desktop Icon

Step 7: Right Click and select properties

Step 8: In target area locate "C:\Program Files\Divi Desktop\Divi Desktop.exe" -resync

Step 9: Remove the -resync to return it "C:\Program Files\Divi Desktop\Divi Desktop.exe"

VPS Setup Guide

A VPS (Virtual Private Server) is ideal for running a masternode because it is a cost effective way to guarantee a persistent connection. Divi recommends using Digital Ocean for your VPS because they are by far the easiest to use system, even for beginner and intermediate level users. For the purposes of this tutorial, the Digital Ocean process will be used.

Create an SSH key

SSH (Secure Socket Shell) keys allow for secure access to a remote host. They are the recommended way of accessing your VPS and will be necessary to follow the tutorial. Please create an SSH key before proceeding.


It is recommended that Windows users follow Digital Ocean's official guide for setting up an SSH key.

OSX & Linux

## Result of ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/Username/.ssh/id_rsa):
## Enter passphrase after assigning filepath
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
## Repeat passphrase
Enter same passphrase again:
## Success response
Your identification has been saved in /Users/Username/.ssh/tut_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /Users/Username/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:KsvItb+ZioiYTghEz6hrQNz6LhuBaYxisPEZJkrRDLE [email protected]
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
| Eo              |
|o O              |
| * *    o        |
|=.+  . + +       |
|@*o.  o S        |
|@B+o   . .       |
|==o.      .      |
|++o. . .   +     |
|oo+.. . ..+      |

Sign up

Create your first Droplet

It will take a moment for your droplet to deploy. Once it does you will see a brand new IP address has been created. This will be used in the next steps.

Login and secure your Droplet

## Result of ssh root@dropletip
The authenticity of host 'yourip (yourip)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:QTRtA7PVlexEVEfHpM17HPZ5lWA+AJjGkyywo8+cxBI.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

You are now logged in as the root user. The root user has the most administrative privileges and, for security reasons, it is recommended that you create a new user.

Now grant administrative (superuser) access to <username>

Next, setup a secure firewall on the server.

Now if you type ufw status you will see that SSH connections have been enabled and all other connections will be blocked.

Enable superuser access

CLI Setup Guide

OSX Setup

1. Getting started

This will return an authentication pair to be placed in your divi.conf file, which has just been generated.

## Example authentication pair

2. Configuration

The data directory can be found at its default path: ~/Library/Application\ Support/DIVI/divi.conf

The default configuration looks like this

3. Start the daemon

Before starting the daemon, it may be helpful to keep your debug log running to note any potential errors you might encounter.

This time you will successfully start the daemon, your wallet will be created, and the blockchain will begin to sync.

Linux Setup

1. Getting started

This will return an authentication pair to be placed in your divi.conf file, which has just been generated.

## Example authentication pair

2. Configuration

The data directory can be found at its default path: ~/.divi

The default configuration looks like this

3. Start the daemon

Before starting the daemon, it may be helpful to keep your debug log running to note any potential errors you might encounter.

This time you will successfully start the daemon, your wallet will be created, and the blockchain will begin to sync.

Masternode Setup Guide

There are two nodes that take part in starting a Masternode. Controller and Remote nodes. The Controller is the node that holds the collateral, where the Remote node is the Masternode itself.

Configure the control node

  1. Create a collateral transaction
allocatefunds <purpose> <alias> <tier>

## Output

Via the command line, call rpc method allocatefunds to create a collateral transaction.

allocatefunds takes three arguments:

Argument number Argument title Argument Rule
1 <purpose> masternode Always the same
2 <alias> mn1 Can be anything you want
3 <tier> copper The tier you want to run

Tier options: - copper - silver - gold - platinum - diamond

fundmasternode <alias> <tier> <result_of_allocate_funds> <masternode_ip>

## Output
<alias ip:port private_key collateral_hash output_index>

The output of this command will be the collateral_hash.

  1. Fund the masternode

Once you receive your collateral_hash and the collateral transaction has gone through 15 confirmations, you can fund the masternode.

Call fundmasternode from the command line and pass the relevant arguments.

fundmasternode takes four arguments:

Argument number Argument title Argument Rule
1 <alias> mn1 The alias you created in the previous step
2 <tier> copper Whichever tier relates to the amount of collateral staked
3 <result_of_allocate_funds> result Resulting output from previous step
4 <masternode_ip> Find your ip on your remote node

The result of this call will be a configuration line in the format: alias ip:port private_key collateral_hash output_index.

  1. Setup configuration file

Stop the daemon with ./divi-cli stop

Copy the configuration line and paste it into masternode.conf.

At this point controller node is configured and the remote node can be configured.

Remote node configuration

To configure remote node, open divi.conf and edit it so that it resembles the configuration.

## divi.conf


Close and save.

After this, take a copy of the masternode.conf from step 3. Place the copy of the masternode.conf in the same directory as your divi.conf.

Start your nodes

Before starting the remote node you need to be sure that you have 15 confirmations on collateral transaction.

Call startmasternode alias on the Control node and pass relevant arguments.

startmasternode takes one argument:

Argument number Argument title Argument Rule
1 <alias> mn1 Alias created in step one
## From Control wallet
startmasternode <alias>

You should receive a response message that the Masternode has succesfuly started

To verify that everything is working, call listmasternodes on any node to check list of active masternodes.

Default Configuration

If you choose to use Divi via the CLI, you will need to make sure your configuration is correct to ensure stable connection to the network and a full feature set.

You can find the configuration file in the Divi data directory entitled divi.conf

## divi.conf



Data Directory


Data dir is a special folder that holds all information regarding the blockchain and p2p network.


Data dir is located in platform specific folder, currently 3 systems are supported:

Data dir location can be changed on startup using -datadir=path/to/dir startup argument

Files description

Divi CLI

The DIVI CLI commands listed here are the methods with which you can speak to the DIVI RPC client.

How to recover wallet from seed phrase

When you set up your wallet initially, always encrypt your wallet and dump your HD Mnemonic. Save this and guard it with your life, it is the only way to recover your funds should your wallet be lost, stolen, or otherwise irreparably destroyed.

divi-cli dumphdinfo can be run at any time to view your phrase

./divi-cli dumphdinfo

This will return a seed phrase that you can use later to recover your funds.

Should you need to recover your wallet: 1. Make sure your divid is shut down. 2. Make sure any other wallet.dat file is removed from the data directory.

./divid -debug -hdseed=<hash_of_seed_to_recover> -rescan

After your node syncs back up with the network, you should see your recovered wallet.

Blockchain commands

getblock <hash>
getblockhash index
getblockheader <hash>
gettxout <txid> n ( includemempool )
verifychain ( numblocks )

getbestblockhash Simply gets the latest / best block hash in the network.

getblock <hash> Passing a specific block hash to this command will produce a response with all of the details of the requested block.

getblockchaininfo Returns all of the information about the current blockchain.

getblockcount Returns the current number of synced blocks.

getblockhash <index> Returns the block hash at a specified index. For example getblockhash 100 would return 0000003601069549199352ea3c3d013156789bde66b20624ca320391911e28b4

getblockheader <hash> Gets the header for a specified hash.

Example response: { "version" : 4, "previousblockhash" : "a38c085e857676c9353ab829078e4e060d9ed31c1acde730a532211b3edca73d", "merkleroot" : "f17bc363a7c29a880664b4c9c39d98b80f155e14b60b6bdf57301ec3770396b2", "time" : 1534727303, "bits" : "1c5d5050", "nonce" : 0 }

getchaintips Returns the branch tips from all your node's known branches.

getdifficulty Returns the current difficulty in finding a hash below a given target.

getrawmempool Returns the current mempool array.

gettxout <txid> Returns details about an unspent transaction output.

gettxoutsetinfo Returns statistics about the database of unspent transaction outputs maintained by the node.

verifychain Returns true or false value based on the validity of the blockchain the node is hosting.

Control commands

help ( "command" )

getinfo Returns information about the blockchain.

help List of all commands

stop Cleanly stop divid

Masternode commands

allocatefunds <purpose> <alias> <tier>
fundmasternode <alias> <tier> <collateral_hash> <masternode_ip>
listmasternodes <filter>
masternodeconnect <address>
mnsync "status|reset"=
spork <name> [<value>]

allocatefunds <purpose> <alias> <tier> Allows for the allocation of collateral from a Control node to a Masternode. Returns a collateral_hash that can be used to fund the masternode.

fundmasternode <alias> <tier> <collateral_hash> <masternode_ip> Uses the collateral_hash generated by allocatefunds to fund a masternode. Returns a configuration line that can be used to configure a masternode.

Example response: <alias ip:port private_key collateral_hash output_index>

startmasternode <alias> Starts the masternode.

getmasternodecount Returns the number of connected masternodes.

getmasternodestatus Returns information regarding the masternode, including whether it is currently active or not.

getmasternodewinners Returns an array of masternode winners.

listmasternodes <filter> // TODO

masternodeconnect <address> // TODO

mnsync "status | reset" // TODO

Network commands

addnode <node_ip> <add|remove|onetry>
getaddednodeinfo <boolean> <node_ip>

addnode <node_ip> <add|remove|onetry> Manually connect to a peer using the counterparty's IP address.

addnode takes one of three secondary arguments:

Argument number Argument title Outcome
1 <add> // todo
2 <remove> // todo
3 <onetry> // todo

**getaddednodeinfo A boolean (true/false) argument must be passed to returns information about the given added node, or all added nodes.

getconnectioncount Returns the number of peer-to-peer connections the node has.

getnettotals Returns the total bytes received and sent as well as the uptime in milliseconds.

getnetworkinfo Returns statistical information about the network.

getpeerinfo Returns an array of statistical information regarding the connected peers.

ping // TODO

Raw transaction commands


Wallet commands

addmultisigaddress nrequired ["key",...] ( "account" )
autocombinerewards true|false ( threshold )
backupwallet "destination"
bip38decrypt "diviaddress"
bip38encrypt "diviaddress"
dumpprivkey "diviaddress"
dumpwallet "filename"
getaccount "diviaddress"
getaccountaddress "account"
getaddressesbyaccount "account"
getbalance ( "account" minconf includeWatchonly )
getnewaddress ( "account" )
getreceivedbyaccount "account" ( minconf )
getreceivedbyaddress "diviaddress" ( minconf )
gettransaction "txid" ( includeWatchonly )
importaddress "address" ( "label" rescan )
importprivkey "diviprivkey" ( "label" rescan )
importwallet "filename"
keypoolrefill ( newsize )
listaccounts ( minconf includeWatchonly)
listreceivedbyaccount ( minconf includeempty includeWatchonly)
listreceivedbyaddress ( minconf includeempty includeWatchonly)
listsinceblock ( "blockhash" target-confirmations includeWatchonly)
listtransactions ( "account" count from includeWatchonly)
listunspent ( minconf maxconf  ["address",...] )
lockunspent unlock [{"txid":"txid","vout":n},...]
move "fromaccount" "toaccount" amount ( minconf "comment" )
multisend <command>
sendfrom "fromaccount" "todiviaddress" amount ( minconf "comment" "comment-to" )
sendmany "fromaccount" {"address":amount,...} ( minconf "comment" )
sendtoaddress "diviaddress" amount ( "comment" "comment-to" )
sendtoaddressix "diviaddress" amount ( "comment" "comment-to" )
setaccount "diviaddress" "account"
setstakesplitthreshold value
settxfee amount
signmessage "diviaddress" "message"
walletpassphrase "passphrase" timeout ( anonymizeonly )
walletpassphrasechange "oldpassphrase" "newpassphrase"



To connect to the test network that mimics Divi's current main network (version 1.0.5) on Divi Desktop, simply access the settings panel, choose the Network tab, and select "Testnet." The daemon will restart and you will be connected to the test network.

If you'd like to install and run the test network and use it via the CLI, first stop the daemon. Then, open divi.conf and add testnet=1. Restart the daemon with the -testnet flag.

SegWit Testnet

Public testing for the post-fork, SegWit-enabled test network is now live. Follow these steps to get your node up and running.

Note: For now, Linux is the only operating system on which this build is available.

Download the latest build


Unzip the tarball

tar -xzvf divi-1.0.8-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz

Create a configuration file

mkdir .divi && sudo nano ~/.divi/divi.conf

Add config details

# Example config details

Save and close the editor

Enter the executable directory and start the daemon

cd divi-1.0.8/bin

./divid -testnet

Connect to the fixed seed nodes

./divi-cli addnode onetry

./divi-cli addnode onetry

You are now up and running a Divi SegWit test network full node! All of the same steps for deploying a masternode can be taken.

RESTful Blockchain APIs

Divi offers a suite of blockchain APIs that can be hosted and utilized for development.


GET Requests

Endpoint Params Response
/accountaddress account address of account
/address/ address transaction, balance, and delta info
/addrsbyaccount account all addresses of specified account
/balance account get balance of account
/block/ hash block object
/blockcount number of blocks
/connectioncount number of active peers
/getaccount address account name
/getreceived/ address amount received
/info info object
/listreceived wallet tx object
/masternodes number of masternodes, masternode list
/newaddress/ account name new address
/recent active and previous block information
/sendfrom/ from, to, amount transaction id
/tx/ txid tx object

Javascript Implementation

Developers can use and contribute to the divid-rpc library to build their own applications with Divi.

Divi Coin Specs

Ticker: DIVI CMC: Divi on CoinMarketCap

Github: Divi Github Blockchain Code: C++ Forked From: PIVX. Also includes code from Bitcoin, Dash, and Peercoin Blockchain Explorers: Diviscan & Divi Explorer DIVI Top-100 Wallets: Richlist Blockchain APIs: Divi APIs

2MB Block Size/Height 60 Second Blocks (10,080 per week)

Consensus Algorithm: 100% Proof of Stake (PoS)

Genesis Block:

Reward System Payout:

50 coins from every block accumulate for the weekly lottery block fund. The community will be able to vote to reduce the rate of inflation.

Lottery Block Details:


5 Tier System:

MN type DIVI Required Block Win
Copper 100,000 DIVI
Silver 300,000 DIVI +5% better
Gold 1,000,000 DIVI +10% better
Platinum 3,000,000 DIVI +15% better
Diamond 10,000,000 DIVI +20% better

Other Features:

Token Sale Details:

Smart Contract Details:

DIVX Rich List: Click here


The Divi Project is the inventor of several new technologies that are part of our masternode program. Besides having five different types, we have added one-click install processes (home or cloud), and “Lottery Blocks.”

Masternode System with Five Layers

Democratizing Participation Through Affordability: The Divi Project offers five types of masternodes, according to the following list:

Participants choose the masternode(s) that they're able to afford, and commit to support Divi's network. More expensive masternodes may also require more commitment of resources, and may do more to support the network, especially as the Divi ecosystem evolves and new features are added.


Masternodes are computers that run a Divi wallet and perform utility functions for the network such as storing metadata and processing special transactions.

Masternode collateral amount that is needed to run a masternode. Each masternode wallet needs to lock a certain amount of DIVI in the wallet in order to register as a masternode in the network.

Masternode tier is the type of masternode, there are 5 types of masternodes (Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond). Depending on the type, the owner will get more rewards and in future versions of the protocol, may provide different services to the network.

Masternode rewards

Every masternode forms a second layer of the network which enables the blockchain to perform additional functions. Masternodes are paid for performing these functions from block rewards. Default breakout is:

Type Reward (%)
Staking 38
Masternode 45
Treasury 16
Proposals 0
Charity 1

Payments allocations can be changed by DVS sporks.

Payment logic

Masternode payments in Divi are determined using a decentralized random selection algorithm based on masternode tier. Every masternode appears in the global list. Once a masternode is active for some amount of time, it's eligible for payments. Once eligible, it takes part in a probabilistic process that determines the winner for the next block. Different tiers have different chances to win.

Winner selection

When a new block is added to the network, every masternode submits a vote for the winner, which appears in 10 blocks in future. Voting is a probabilistic process of selecting masternode winner.

Score is a double SHA256 of the funding transaction hash and ticket index for all masternodes in the selection pool. The score is compared with the block hash 100 blocks ago. The masternode with the closest numeric hash value to that block hash receives the payment.

Ticket is a number that represents one try to create a score.

Whoever gets the maximum hash wins the selection process. Each masternode tries to produce a maximum allowed score (hash) based on their masternode tier. In practice it means that it tries several times to hash to maximize the chances of winning.

We build a pool of tickets for every masternode and select masternode with closest numeric hash value to block hash.


Masternodes have different chances to win depending on their tier:

Tier Number of tickets
Copper 20
Silver 63
Gold 220
Platinum 690
Diamond 2400

In practice it means that Platinum node produces 690 scores(hashes) and select one score that maximizes chances for winning.

Find the code that calculates the score here: masternode.cpp:212

Supporting the Divi Network

What is a masternode, really? It's just a piece of software. It's an app that's already built into the Divi desktop wallet. You launch the app, "fund" it with some of your DIVI coins, and it will go to work once it's connected with enough other nodes. Those other nodes are owned by other DIVI masternode holders around the world, who have gone through the same process.

What does a masternode actually do? Divi's masternodes remain in constant contact with other nodes in the network. Through this communication they verify and process transactions and keep everything secure, while continuously maintaining an up-to-date copy of the ledger. Approximately every minute, one of the masternodes wins the right to rewards from the latest block to the Divi blockchain. Simultaneously, a staking wallet wins as well, and each is paid in DIVI. The staker writes these two transactions into the beginning of the next block in what's referred to as a "Coinbase Transaction". Other masternodes verify everything, and if all is good, the blockchain grows.

Masternode holders aren't getting DIVI for free. They are paid for the work they're doing, which requires the following:

What happens if the masternode goes down? Perhaps power is lost or a computer needs to be repaired. For whatever reason, it will disconnect from the network, and during this time no rewards can be earned. Once re-connected, it will download the latest version of the Divi ledger and will start earning coins again.

For the reasons of maintenance and stopping/starting, many people will opt to host their masternode in the cloud, which pays the same rewards and is even easier to do.

Divi's Unique Technology

MOCCI: Masternode One-Click Cloud Install - Revolutionary Ease of Use: Divi was first to announce the invention of a single-click masternode installation process. Our masternodes can be installed by any skill level of user on a home computer, laptop, or in the cloud. Is it really "one click"? Yes it is, after essential data is entered such as the level of node and what account is used to fund it. A single click will install it. Divi saw a big opportunity here after the founders experienced first-hand the tortuous manual process that existed before, which typically required 4-5 hours of coding and cursing.

Lottery Blocks - Approximately once per week, eleven lucky DIVI network supporters who have at least 10,000 DIVI staked will share a lottery block. 50 DIVI is added to the lottery fund every minute and winners happen weekly. This helps keep people in our system and adds excitement to our community.

Improved Efficiency, Scalability, and Sustainability - We delineated the work performed by each tier of masternode, eliminating huge amounts of redundant processing.

We enhanced our seesaw algorithm so that it adjusts the relative populations of the various types of masternodes to maintain maximum efficiency as the demand for each type's functionality fluctuates.

The fees for this new functionality not only fund increased returns for masternode holders, but also drive increased participation in the Divi netowrk and ecosystem, adding additional value for all participants.

Earning an Income

Divi holders who place their coins within our masternode system earn income in the form of more minted DIVI coins. This mechanism has the added effect of excluding Divi from being considered a security in the US, since profits earned by DIVI holders are not accrued due to the efforts of a promoter or third party (the fourth requirement to be considered a security according to the “Howey Test.”)


We have built the most advanced governance system in the blockchain space. Masternode Holders and Stakers with 10,000 or more DIVI will be able to vote on various aspects of Divi's key metrics and functions, development and marketing proposals, and leadership positions. Once fully phased in, Divi will be a fully Decentralized Autonomous Organization, controlled by its users.

Masternode calculator

Quickly and easily get an estimate on potential earnings with Divi masternodes. You can view one of our community masternode calculators for an estimate.

Slater Masternode Calculator Masternodes Online OriZ Calculator



Block subsidity is a value in Divi which is created (minted) every new block. Rewards are sent to different parties (Stakers, Masternodes, Treasury, etc). Will cover payments in next sections. Superblock is a special block which creates a payment to treasury or lottery or something else in perspective.

Subsidy over the time

Block height Subsidy
0 - 1051200 1250
1051200 - 2102400 1050
2102400 - 3153600 850
... ...

The subsidy decreases every two years (1051200 blocks) by 200 DIVI, unless spork is not activated, which explicitly controls subsidy. Minimum block reward is 100 DIVI, so no matter how much time passes minimum reward will be 100.

static CAmount GetFullBlockValue(int nHeight) in main.cpp is the place where full block reward is calculated.

Ordinary Block Rewards

In every block, there is one required payment. The Staker. Stakers get rewarded based on current protocol setting; default value is 38%.

If there are masternodes that are ready to get paid, they get 45% of the block.

16% is reserved for payment to the treasury

1% is reserved for payment to the charity fund

50 coins are reserved for the lottery pool.

All of those values can be changed by DVS spork.

CBlockRewards GetBlockSubsidity(int nHeight) in main.cpp is the place where block rewards are calculated.


Keep in mind, that coins for the superblock are 'reserved' in every block, the idea of the superblock is to pay a large number of coins in one UTXO, which is more efficient than explicitly generating coins in every coinstake.

Superblocks are triggered by certain block heights. Currently, we have two superblocks: 1. Treasury & Charity payments. 2. Lottery

Treasury & Charity

The Treasury & Charity superblock is created based on variable nTreasuryPaymentsCycle in chainparams.cpp. This superblock pays to charity and treasury in the same block, but in different UTXOs.

static bool IsValidTreasuryBlockHeight(int nBlockHeight)
    return nBlockHeight >= Params().GetTreasuryPaymentsStartBlock() &&
            ((nBlockHeight % Params().GetTreasuryPaymentsCycle()) == 0);

If it's the appropriate time for treasury payment, we calculate treasury payment for the whole cycle and pay to treasury address.

static int64_t GetTreasuryReward(const CBlockRewards &rewards)
    return rewards.nTreasuryReward * Params().GetTreasuryPaymentsCycle();
static int64_t GetCharityReward(const CBlockRewards &rewards)
    return rewards.nCharityReward * Params().GetTreasuryPaymentsCycle();


Lottery superblock is created based on variable nLotteryBlockCycle in chainparams.cpp.

static bool IsValidLotteryBlockHeight(int nBlockHeight)
    return nBlockHeight >= Params().GetLotteryBlockStartBlock() &&
            ((nBlockHeight % Params().GetLotteryBlockCycle()) == 0);

If it's the appropriate time for lottery payment we calculate lottery pool in the following way, and then make a payment.

static int64_t GetLotteryReward(const CBlockRewards &rewards)
    return Params().GetLotteryBlockCycle() * rewards.nLotteryReward;



Divi's equivalent to Bitcoin’s Proof of Work is Proof of Stake, and instead of Bitcoin’s mining, Divi has staking. Rather than needing vast amounts of computer power to secure the network, “Coin Age" enables Divi's security protocols. We find the Coin Age by multiplying the number of coins by the “age” of these coins, i.e. the amount of time between now and the last transaction using said coins.

Generally speaking, PoS is solving the same hashing problem as PoW, but hashes are built from Coin Age and existing UTXOs (Unspent Transaction Outputs) not from running a mining rig.

Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO)

An Unspent Transaction Output is a transaction hash, located in a wallet that contains unspent funds. Each time funds from a UTXO leave the wallet for any reason (in the case of a transaction, for example), a new UTXO is created containing the remaining funds.

How staking works

Staking is the process your wallet uses to validate transactions and award you with coins. When your wallet is staking, it is checking transactions to make sure everyone who sends coins was,in fact, the owner of those coins and had the right to transfer them. If most of the wallets online agree that a transaction is valid, then it gets accepted by the network.

As a reward for keeping the network secure, every minute one online wallet is chosen to receive a stake reward based on the coins they own.

Each online wallet tries to create a stake, by scanning through its UTXOs and trying to match PoS difficulty with their weight. We calculate weight by multiplying Coin Age * amount of UTXO. The more coins you have and the older they are, the higher chance you have to create a stake.

It's required to be online during staking because otherwise, you are not able to sync to peers.

Coin Age

Coin Age is a property of each UTXO; it's time that has passed from the moment of a UTXO's creation.


Imagine today is Monday, and I receive 1000 DIVI from Alice. On Tuesday, that UTXO has a Coin Age of 24 hours. Now, let's say I want to send 200 DIVI to Bob, but since I am sending my 1000 Divi UTXO, my Coin Age resets, and I get a new UTXO that is worth 800 DIVI.

The minimum Coin Age that is allowed for staking is 1 hour, while the maximum Coin Age is 7 days, which means that if your UTXO is older than 7 days, it counts as if it were 7 days old.

Only moving funds from one UTXO to another can reset the Coin Age. Only transactions can reset the Coin Age, and there are no other ways to reset this value.

Coin maturity

Every time you successfully stake, you get a reward for keeping the network secure. When you create a stake, you spend your UTXO with value X to reset the Coin Age, and in the same transaction, you get X + Reward to the same address, which creates a brand new UTXO and thereby resets your Coin Age.

To solidify the network stability and to ensure that spending of a recently earned reward that may not have been 100% included into the blockchain, staking rewards (coins created by staking transaction) are unspendable for 20 blocks. These unspendable coins are considered to be "immature."


My wallet creates a stake with 10,000 DIVI, (essentially spending 10 000 DIVI) getting back 10 000 + 456 DIVI, at this point 10 456 coins are "immature" for 20 blocks, only after that am I able to spend the coins that were used to create the Coin Stake.

Lottery Blocks


Lottery in Divi is a process of selecting 11 winners in a pseudo-random way at the end of every lottery cycle. Lottery winners are determined in every block, this is important to understand, this is not like the real-world lottery where random numbers are generated.

Lottery reward is the number of coins that are generated in every block and is added to the lottery pool.

Lottery cycle is how many blocks need to be minted to trigger new lottery.

How it works


Let's pickup random values to show this on example:

LC = 200 blocks
LR = 50 divi
Total lottery pool = LC * LR = 200 * 50 = 10000 divi

Let's pretend that we are on block 200, and it's the end of last lottery cycle and the start of new lottery cycle. The algorithm behaves like this:

  1. In every block, we calculate the score using the hash of coin stake and the hash of the last lottery.
  2. After calculating the score, we save it in CBlockIndex together with 11 other winners.
  3. At the end of the lottery cycle, block 400 in this example, minter needs to pay to the winners of the lottery.

Any peer looking on the blockchain can do the same math and tell if lottery winner is valid or no, this is important, peers can reach consensus in a decentralized way looking on their local blockchains.

What is the 'score' and how is it calculated?

Score isSHA256(hash_of_coinstake + hashOfLastLotteryBlock)

static uint256 CalculateLotteryScore(const uint256 &hashCoinbaseTx, const uint256 &hashLastLotteryBlock)
    // Deterministically calculate a "score" for a Masternode based on any given (block)hash
    ss << hashCoinbaseTx << hashLastLotteryBlock;
    return ss.GetHash();

What happens when a new block is generated?

When a new block is generated we calculate the score for this block, compare it with 11(or less) scores that are already saved and add it to the list in case it's bigger than minimum score. The new winners list is saved in vLotteryWinnersCoinstakes in CBlockIndex

Lottery participation

To participate in the lottery, all you need is to stake with UTXO that is > 10000 Divi. This value can be updated by DVS (multivalue sporks.)

Lottery winners

The Current model supports 11 winners. The biggest hash gets half of the pool, and the other 10 winners are distributed another 5% each.

Where to look?

Everything related to the lottery is in file masternode-payments.cpp.

Transaction Fees


Transaction fee is the amount that is paid for processing a transaction.

Fee calculation

Divi uses a flexible approach depending on the transaction amount, size and global network modifiers.

We use this formula to calculate fees: Fee = (TV * TVM) * TS / TSM

In this formula:

TV: Transaction value in DIVI

TS: Transaction size in bytes

TVM: Transaction value multiplier - global value for network

TSM: Transaction size multiplier - global value for network

Global transaction fee modifiers

To be as flexible as possible we introduce TVM and TSM which are values that are selected using a spork. Changing those values allows us to change the fee for the whole network.

Default values are:

TVM = 0.0001

TSM = 300

Minimum possible fee

The minimum possible fee that can be processed by the network(though with lower priority) is Fee = 10000 satoshis per KB

Maximum possible fee

The maximum fee is controlled by spork, default maximum fee is 100 DIVI.

Fee deduction

The fee is paid automatically and is calculated as Fee = (TxIn - TxOut), so the fee is paid in spendable outputs(inputs) of the transaction.


Divi uses PoS tail emission which means coins are always generated, no matter how long it runs in contrast to bitcoin where the supply is limited. To control the inflation we burn fees, this way no one gets the fee, and with every transaction, the fee that was paid gets burnt reducing total coin supply.


DIVX/DIVI is currently listed on the following exchanges:

Ticker Exchange name Pair Exchange link CMC link KYC required Decentralized Fiat on-ramp US Investors
DIVI BitMax DIVI/USDT Go now Go now false false true false
DIVI Bitrue DIVI/BTC Go now Go now false false true true
DIVI Bitrue DIVI/XRP Go now Go now false false true true
DIVI Bitrue DIVI/USDT Go now Go now false false true true
DIVI Bithumb Global DIVI/BTC Go now Go now false false false true
DIVI STEX DIVI/BTC Go now Go now false false false true
DIVI STEX DIVI/USDT Go now Go now false false false true
DIVI InstaSwap DIVI/ANYTHING Go now n/a false true fiat/pairs true
DIVI XBTPro DIVI/BTC Go now n/a false false false true
DIVI CREX24 DIVI/BTC Go now Go now false false false false
DIVI LATOKEN DIVI/BTC Go now Go now false false false true
DIVI BlockDX DIVI/ANYTHING Go now n/a false true false true
DIVI Altilly DIVI/BTC Go now Go now false false false true
DIVI SIMEX DIVI/BTC Go now Go now true false true true

Media Placements

Date Outlet Title UVM Link
10/17/2017 Forbes Brilliant Startups Are Using ICOs To Revolutionize The World Of Blockchain” View
10/19/2017 8 Resources to Get You Caught Up With Crypto View
10/19/2017 Entrepreneur 10 Companies That Are Getting Creative With Cryptocurrency View
10/23/2017 The Next Web What does it take to get women involved in crypto? View
11/21/2017 BlockTribune The Divi Project On Crypto Transactions: “If People Can’t Do This While Drunk, Then It’s Not Good Enough” 14,807 View
11/30/2017 Computer America Podcast The Divi Project Interview: Geoff McCabe 1,000,000 View
12/5/2017 B2B News Network Divi Project seeks to create a blockchain-based cryptocurrency businesses will actually use 56,758 View
1/7/2018 The Scope Weekly Merrill Lynch Blocks Bitcoin But Crypto Advocates Have Different Plans 28,000 View
1/9/2018 Bold Business Interview with Geoff McCabe and Tim Sanders 100,000 (syndicated) View
1/9/2018 Cheddar New Cryptocurrency Looking to Appeal to the Masses 148,000,000 View
1/16/2018 TechRepublic Why cryptocurrency needs to get more user-friendly to achieve mainstream success 9,385,059 View
1/20/2018 The Bitcoin News These Startups are Making Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrencies More User-Friendly 205,495 View
1/20/2018 Inside Bitcoins The Bitcoin News pickup: These Startups are Making Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrencies More User-Friendly 149,320 View
1/21/2018 BTC Manager The Bitcoin News pickup: These Startups are Making Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrencies More User-Friendly 92,012 View
1/22/2018 Crypto Daily The Bitcoin News pickup: These Startups are Making Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrencies More User-Friendly 175, 290 View
2/23/2018 This Week in Tech Netcast Episode 279: The Divi Project 1,321,134 View
3/2/2018 CNBC Bitcoin takes on cash, as more places accept the cryptocurrency 26,089,258 View
3/5/2018 Yahoo Finance Spending your digital coins on stuff is easier said than done 1,834,222 View
4/16/2018 Payments Source 03.05.18 Your morning briefing 87,789 View
5/8/2018 Girlboss What’s Cryptocurrency And Why Should I Care? A Guide For N00bs 51,782 View
5/11/2018 Finance Magnates All Eyes on Ripple as it Faces Lawsuit – is XRP a Security? 615,202 View
5/11/2018 Ripple Holds Steady Despite Legal Scrutiny 16,380,603 View
5/11/2018 The Investors Podcast pickup: Ripple Holds Steady Despite Legal Scrutiny 2,367,051 View
5/11/2018 Indian Tax Home Ripple Holds Steady Despite Legal Scrutiny N/A View
5/11/2018 The CryptoCast with Jason Hartman CC 12 - An ICO Case Study with Divi Project's Geoff McCabe N/A View
Summer 2018 Stanford Social Innovation Review (online) Journalism’s Savior? 453,692 View
Summer 2018 Stanford Social Innovation Review (print) Journalism’s Savior? 15,000 N/A
5/22/2018 Silicon Republic Is it possible to create an environmentally friendly cryptocurrency? 698,076 View
6/01/2018 Nasdaq Opening Doors For Enterprise Blockchain Technology Through Day-to-Day Cryptocurrency Spending 9,379,166 View
6/27/2018 CeddarTV/NYSE Live TV Interview: Divi Project Is Like PayPal For Crypto, Minus the Third Parties 148,000,000 View
6/28/2018 SF Gate Cheddar pickup: Divi Project Is Like PayPal For Crypto, Minus the Third Parties 470,000 View
6/29/2018 Chron Cheddar pickup: Divi Project Is Like PayPal For Crypto, Minus the Third Parties 16,261,046 View
7/16/2018 So Money Podcast Interview with Farnoosh Torabi --- View
9/14/2018 TWIT TV: This Week in Tech Netcast Proof of Stake Cryptocurrency 1,321,134 View
10/5/2018 Bold TV: Bold Business Interview with Michael Greenwood & Nick Saponaro 100,000+ (syndicated) View
10/10/2018 ZDNet Currency for the Masses 11,819,012 View
10/29/2018 ThirtyK Crypto Invest Summit: The Blockchain Party Will Go On N/A View
11/1/2018 Token Tank Live 3rd Place win at World Crypto Con in Las Vegas -- View
11/3/2018 Kev's Crypto Channel Divi Project - An Interview with Nick Saponaro 4,377 subs View
11/7/2018 Seth Estrada's YouTube Channel All about DIVI coin (with Nick Saponaro) 4,367 subs View
11/15/2018 Nodes of Value Divi Project: Interview with CEO Geoff McCabe --- View
11/15/2018 Kenn Bosak's YouTube Channel Not Another Bitcoin Interview with Nick Saponaro of Divi Project View
12/16/2018 Block Tribune From ICO to Main Net Launch: Lessons Learned 15,000 View
12/30/2018 CoinPM Talks Podcast interview with Michael Greenwood on SoundCloud --- View
07/20/2020 Newsbit Wat is Divi? --- View

Security Review

A third-party security audit was performed by LIFARS to ensure the safety and security of the DiviWallet users across all mobile operating systems. The results from this report can be found below.

Divi Security Review by LIFARS


Version 2.2 - Last Updated November 25, 2018


Everything we do has one goal in mind: to make popular cryptocurrencies easier to use so that both people and businesses will adopt them in mass. Cryptos have the power to revolutionize the way we use money, and within several years will be part of the daily life of billions of ordinary people for day-to-day transactions. This can’t happen the way they are now: slow, expensive fees, impossible to understand, and easy to make a mistake and lose money. Divi’s user-friendly Smart Wallet™ and blockchain make transactions faster, less expensive, easier, safe to use, and with a special focus on eliminating user error. The Divi network is powered by MOCCI™, our revolutionary one-click masternode installer. It’s the first to allow anyone, without technical knowledge, to easily join our masternode network and earn crypto from a home computer or with their phone.

Chart Projected Growth Of Crypto Wallets

What is Divi?

The Problem We’re Solving

In 2009 Satoshi Nakamoto invented Bitcoin when he released his first whitepaper titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.” He imagining a digital currency that would be used by millions of people around the world for everyday transactions, taking the power away from centralized banks who don’t have the best interests of their clients in mind. While Bitcoin is successful in its own way, it has strayed from its intended purpose and has become a “store of value” rather than a currency. It’s painfully difficult to use and understand, it’s too slow, and transactions are expensive. The Divi Project was created to solve all these problems and realize Satoshi’s dream of a fast, safe, and cheap digital money that can be used by ordinary people around the world without banks or governments as an intermediary.

Chart Bitcoin Vs Divi

A Digital Money for Mass Use

The Divi Project has a novel solution to solve the biggest and most lucrative problem in the crypto world: mass adoption by average people. We seek to bring the power of cryptocurrency to those who now avoid it, currently finding it too technical, uninteresting and scary. The coming digitization of all money will inevitably be the world's largest transfer of wealth, in the range of hundreds of trillions of dollars. There has never been a bigger financial opportunity in history, and the Divi Project will be first to market with a truly viable solution.

The Divi Project has several important aspects that set it apart from other cryptocurrencies:

User-Friendly Smart Wallet™

Our new blockchain allows us to socialize and humanize financial experiences by hiding the "crypto" underneath an easy-to-understand User Interface. Our Smart Wallet™ is being designed to remove all the "pain points" that currently prevent most people from getting excited about cryptocurrencies. Our design-first focus benefits from our team’s experience and deep understanding of User Experience (UX) and is shown through our expertly integrated user interface.

Five-Layered, One-Click Masternode System

Based on a new type of masternode system with five layers, holders of DIVI coins participate in maintaining the network to earn more. Once only for computer experts, Divi’s user-friendly masternodes can easily be set up at home or in the cloud by anyone without technical knowledge.

Lottery Blocks

Currently unique in crypto, once per week one of our masternode holders or stakers will strike it rich by mining a lottery block. This will pay them 252,000 DIVI and ten other people 25,200 DIVI each. To be eligible, one must have a staking wallet with minimum 10,000 DIVI in it, and connected to the Divi network.

Crypto Banking

Divi’s Smart Wallet™ has many new ways to manage money, such as protecting your transactions more securely by requiring the receiver to confirm a PIN code. It will have features to help you save, share, collect and track taxes. Our Vaulting features allows you store money on the blockchain so nobody, not even yourself, can remove it until a predetermined date, which is more secure than brick-and-mortar banks, and also good for long-term savings, such as college funds. With over two billion people in the world who don’t have a bank account, there’s a great opportunity for the services Divi can offer.

Multi Coin System

Our Smart WalletTM will not only work with DIVI, but also Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ethereum too. We are already in discussions with a number of other blockchain companies who wish to integrate their technology with our wallet. Our users want to use all their cryptos in one user-friendly system, and until Divi, such a wallet experience hasn’t existed. For the first time, users will be able to send Bitcoin without worrying that they’ll lose it by making a mistake.

Atomic Swaps and Exchanges

More than just a place to hold or track cryptos, users will be able to use “atomic swap” technology to switch their digital assets near-instantly between types of cryptos. Our exchange partners will provide in-app solutions to this as well, allowing users to buy, sell, and trade, or convert from crypto to fiat currencies and back. Also, users can receive news and updates directly from the teams that run each cryptocurrency.

Security by Design

Perhaps the biggest long-term challenge to mass adoption faced by crypto is the problem of security, and until users feel safer, they’ll stick with the banks. Divi’s security solution involves the correct usage of new technologies along with a great user experience that encourages good security habits. We prevent user error with great design, making it easier for users to transact safely and without fear.


Our technology solves one of the biggest security problems presented by Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies: How do you make it more secure than a bank? The answer we call “Vaulting.” Vaulting offers a variety of savings opportunities and secures funds in a time-locked account that is inaccessible by anyone, including the funder. It’s more secure than a safety deposit box, because even under threat or coercion, a user can’t remove it until a specific date and time.


Within several years, billions of people, businesses, and devices will be using cryptocurrencies for transactions, which creates a scaling problem. Our blockchain is already running ten times faster than Bitcoin, but that’s not nearly enough. The Divi ecosystem will eventually include its own “Lightning Network” technology, so that millions of near-instant micro-transactions are possible through off-chain side channels.

Advanced Governance System

We are building what may be the most innovative governance system in the cryptocurrency world. Coin holders will be able to vote to modify parts of the blockchain itself, such as the inflation rate, fee amounts, and even turn some features on or off. Eventually they will be able to elect some of Divi’s leadership and vote for funding proposals too.

Organizational Structure

The Divi Project is a community-based, decentralized autonomous organization. It's strucuture consists of four entities:

Telegram Community: Panama Foundation: "The Divi Project Foundation" Costa Rica Sociedad Anonima: Qbito Technologies S.A. Lithuania Corporation: Qbito Technologies Corp

The CEO of The Divi Project is a Costa Rica Resident, and the team members live in various countries around the world, including Australia, U.S.A., Belarus, Ukraine.

During the Divi Project's ICO, U.S. citizens were excluded from participation. A strict KYC/AML was followed during the coin swap process from the DIVX ERC20 Token to DIVI, on our own blockchain.

DIVI is currently traded on various exchanges, and a legal opinion analysis was obtained from a U.S. based law firm stating that DIVI is not a security token because of its utility, governance, and other features.


Divi’s development team have on average 20+ years of experience building and delivering world-class software on time and on budget.


Our leadership team is highly experienced. CEO and co-founder, Geoff McCabe, has a master’s degree in physics and has led three multi-million dollar businesses to success before co-founding Divi.

Michael Greenwood started at Microsoft as a senior developer at age 19, and rose to become a principal UX designer for projects such as Origami, Xbox, SQL Server, Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1, and Windows 10.
The Divi team includes four different advisers who speak frequently on the national circuit. This includes former Yahoo Chief Solutions Officer Tim Sanders, and noted futurist Ramez Naam, winner of last year’s Philip K Dick award for best Sci Fi novel. According to Naam, "Divi is the future. It's simple enough for everyone. It's cryptocurrency's Netscape, iPhone, or Tesla moment." Other well-known advisers include former Coin Telegraph CEO Toni Lane Casserly and Doug Scott, former President of Ogilvy Entertainment.

Top blockchain architect and former Google software developer Daniel Kraft has also joined as a technical advisor. Daniel was the lead developer for Namecoin and is now CTO of Xaya. He is one of the world’s leading authorities on the “Names and Metadata” blockchain technology Divi needs to accomplish its goals.

Business and Management

Geoff McCabe, CEO, Divi co-founder New Technology Visionary, Management, SEO, Marketing, Sustainability linkedin

Tim Sanders, Advisor/Operations Former Chief Solutions Officer, Yahoo Inc linkedin

Technical Development

Michael Greenwood, Co-Founder and CTO UX Expert, Security, AI, Ex-Microsoft Team Leader linkedin

Nick Saponaro, Co-Founder and General Manager Lead Full Stack Developer linkedin

Yuri Oleksyshyn Blockchain Engineer linkedin

Preston Thornburg Senior Penetration Tester. Founder - Gambit Security linkedin

Marketing and Promotion

Regina Bauzaite Marketing Director linkedin

Edwina Bull Marketing and Operations linkedin

Heidi Krupp & Darren Lisiten Public Relations and Business Strategy Krupp Website - linkedin


Doug Scott, Marketing Advisor Media and Branding Expert. Former President of Ogilvy Entertainment linkedin

Toni Lane Casserly Co-Founder and former CEO of CoinTelegraph. Faculty at Singularity University. Speaker, writer, blockchain evangelist. linkedin

Daniel Kraft, Blockchain Advisor CTO, Xaya, Lead Developer for Namecoin and Huntercoin linkedin

Ramez Naam Author, Speaker, Futurist, ex Program Manager, Microsoft linkedin

Nicholas Cottrell Legal Advisor Riverstone Law linkedin

Mohsan Farid Blockchain security engineer linkedin

More team details are here: Divi Team

Basic Coin Stats

Divi is a decentralized ecosystem utilizing a cryptocurrency (DIVI) that is minted through a Proof of Stake consensus protocol using both simple staking and “Master Nodes” as a means of securing and verifying transactions within the network. Divi’s PoS masternodes can be run on virtually any machine with little to no negative effect on the environment.

During the original token sale, our tokens were ERC20 compliant derivatives of the Ethereum blockchain, and have been tradable on Cryptopia, with ticker DIVX:

Cryptopia Website

On September 27th 2018, the conversion process began, whereby each DIVX can be converted to 100 DIVI on the official blockchain.

Genesis block date: September 27, 2018 Starting coin circulation: 617,160,700 DIVI PoS - Proof of Stake with Masternodes

Block rewards payout

The block rewards will be changed by community vote every 6 months based on current needs.

~60 second blocks (10,080 per week)

Note: 50 coins from every block accumulate for the weekly lottery block fund.

Divi is rolling out new features and updates every two weeks, which we believe will keep our community excited, loyal, growing, and participating in the Divi ecosystem.

What can DIVI coins be used for?

Divi is designed so that its primary function is as a currency. However, it also has utility:

  1. Spend them: The Divi Project is working to set up online stores to accept DIVI. At these locations, you’ll be able to spend your DIVI for real world goods and services.
  2. Earning more with masternodes: Using the software and resources we will provide, users are able to earn more coins. The masternode software users install on their computer becomes a useful part of the overall network maintaining, updating, and securing the Divi blockchain. The coins earned are payment for use of your time, computer, electricity, and internet bandwidth.
  3. Earn coins with a staked wallet: Users who keep their coins in the Divi wallet will earn more each week. The wallet also supports the Divi network in different ways than the masternodes do. Like them, this takes time and resources.
  4. Participate in our Names/DNS System: DIVI coins can be used to purchase custom names that are used as your wallet addresses.

User-Friendly “Smart Wallet”

Divi’s solution stores names and metadata along with transaction data. Because of these improvements, Divi’s User Interface is easier to learn and use than any other cryptocurrency.

In order to send money to someone, a user only needs to know the counterparty’s name, email, phone number, helping to eliminate the possibility of loss of funds from sending to an incorrect address.

The current state of cryptocurrency wallets is still very primitive and not ready for use by masses of people for many reasons. We are matching modern UX sensibilities with the digital experiences people are already use to. Think Apple, Venmo or PayPal.

Addresses Will be Names Instead of Numbers - One of the biggest barriers of entry to the world of cryptocurrencies for average people is the way all wallets function using long strings of random characters as a wallet’s “public key.” Many people describe themselves as “terrified” whenever they send a transaction, because just one wrong character in the wallet’s address can result in all the money being sent to the wrong person, and there’s absolutely no recourse. The Divi Project solved this by allowing users to associate each wallet’s public key with a unique name of their choice, which can be used by others to send funds or connect with them.


DV-jenni123 instead of 0zc1F9Ca42eBc6611f83d063d74a817aBaFcf1B266


Send by Email or Phone Number - Because each named account can be mapped one-to-one to their wallet address, you’ll be able to send DIVI to someone if you only know their name, email, or phone number.

User Photo - Each address is also matched to a user photo, logo, or other image. This helps prevent user-error in transactions because users can easily recognize a friend or business before sending.

Pockets - Multiple Address/Identity Support


MultiSig Capable - This simply means that a wallet or pocket will need two or more people to create and verify transactions.

Multi-Coin Wallet - In addition to DIVI, will soon be able to hold their Bitcoin and Ethereum in our wallet. We’re working on partnerships with other cryptocurrencies to add them as well in the future. The best part is that users will be able to transact in a user-friendly way with these cryptocurrencies, and swap them with each other nearly instantly.

Jargon Elimination - Newbies are instantly confused by all the jargon with the cryptocurrency world. Within our wallet UX, we use more familiar terms that beginners are comfortable with. Words on our list: blockchain, private key, crypto. Even the word “wallet” is often overused or misused when what we really mean is just an “account”.

Crypto Banking

New Ways to Transact and Manage Money

We want our Smart Wallet to be able to work in a way that’s already familiar to our users. After so many years you’d think digital wallets could do more than they do now. Our new system will allow for a multitude of new types of transactions beyond the “fast send” and “dark send” features that are typical of most cryptos.

Piggy Bank - Want to save money for something special? Automatically set a small portion of your income into a pocket that even YOU can’t access until a future date.

Scheduled Payments - Want to send money later, or on a specific date so you don’t forget? Schedule a payment using our wallet.

Subscription Send - Our wallet will be able to send a preset amount of Divi on a regular schedule. You’ll even be able to create a pocket, fill it with Divi, and send it out daily, weekly, or monthly to a given address.

Request Money / Billing - Send or schedule messages within the wallet with a link so a contact can easily pay you, and even pre-decide what pocket you want the money deposited into.

Auto Split - When money comes in, you can have it automatically re-distributed to other wallets or pockets according to preset percentages. Great for business partners.

Tax Separation - Using the Auto Split feature, you can have the taxes for the products you sell automatically split off into a separate pocket.

Masternode System

Masternodes replace miners in our blockchain ecosystem. Our Proof of Stake system uses less than 1% of the electricity that mining does. In addition we have invented a spectrum of new masternode technology as follows:

1. MOCCI: “Masternode One Click Cloud Install” We have provided a way for our users who don’t want to run a masternode at home to easily set one up on the much faster cloud servers from Amazon, Microsoft, and others. We will purchase servers space and set up the back end of this in advance, to make a fast and seamless user experience. Payments for the service will be made by the users in DIVI.

2. mMOCCI: Mobile MOCCI - Set up and check your masternodes from mobile devices.

3. Layered Masternode System: Divi invented the tiered masternode system, offering higher rewards to those who accumulate more coins for their nodes.

4. User Interface: All current masternode clients use a very similar boring interface that’s plain, non-intuitive and lacking in features. Divi’s team includes Michael Greenwood a world-class UX/UI expert, and we have designed a user-friendly interface making the process easy and fun.

5. Info and Stats: Another one of the most requested masternode features is a user-friendly way to view masternode stats from within the masternode and mobile application. We are rolling out easy-to-view stats such as earnings history, current block, coins in circulation, total global masternodes, coin value in USD/BTC, community proposals, voting % approved, and more.

6. Masternode Map: We will create a map, showing all the masternodes and how they’re connected. Participants will be able to see basic contact details and a photo/logo of other node holders, if they chose to provide it. The goal is connection, participation, and fun, but we realize that many people will prefer to keep their anonymity and that will be an option too.

Tiered Masternode System Details

One of the reasons that masternode coins are so popular is that they create a community with a shared goal.

Masternodes are typically left running 24/7 and the coins they commit remain in their own wallet, within their control, but can’t be spent while they are used to fund the masternode. These nodes are part of the Divi Network and they communicate with each other to maintain a copy of the blockchain and process transactions. Masternode owners choose their level of commitment to support this network, and are paid based on that effort, which includes:

Our system has five options for participation, depending on the amount of commitment to the network that the owner wants:

Masternodes Chart 3

The chance of earning coins improves proportionally with the number of coins. For example, the Silver masternode is 5% more likely to win a block than three Coppers. Or, the Diamond is 20% more likely to win than 100 Coppers. Thought of another way, a diamond node is like owning 120 copper nodes.

However, holding extra coins in the node gives no benefits. So a Copper with 150,000 DIVI gives the same reward as 100,000.

We believe that that our system offers the following benefits to Divi’s network:

More information about Divi’s Masternodes: More on Masternodes

Lottery Blocks

Divi is excited to present a new, original feature called “lottery blocks”. The lottery blocks concept is a new way to randomly reward participants that are using their resources to support the network. The Lottery Blocks system is designed to increase participation and security in the Divi network by making people want to keep their coins in the ecosystem and off exchanges.

More Info: More on Lottery Blocks

Multi Coin Wallet

Many users dislike the wallets that are currently available on the market, and they want a user-friendly way to handle their Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. So we’re doing that. Both Bitcoin and Ethereum, will be included in our Smart Wallet. Our users will be able to store and check their balances of these coins, and send/receive them too.

We’ll also be strategically adding other cryptos as well, and eventually will have dozens of the most popular within the wallet.

Multi-Coin Wallet Features:

Fiat Reporting - Users will be able to instantly see the fiat value of their crypto holdings that are in the wallet.

User-Friendly Cryptos - We’re not just making DIVI easy to use. Other cryptos like Bitcoin will be far easier and safer when used within our wallet ecosystem. Send Bitcoin with a PIN code protecting the transaction. Use named accounts. Send Ethereum by only knowing a receiver’s email or phone number.

Fiat Onramp/Offramp - Use our exchange partners to change your DIVI, and other cryptos, to dollars or other national currencies.

Instantly Swappable - New technologies such as Atomic Swaps and/or DEXs (Decentralized Exchanges) will be integrated into our wallet to make swapping DIVI and other cryptos easy.

In-Wallet Exchange - With our exchange partners you’ll be able to trade.

News and Updates - Get in-wallet updates about your cryptos, directly from the teams that run them.


The Divi Project will be developing an SDK for our Smart Wallet so that other developers can make their own DApps. These application will reside within our wallet, and will allow users to access them and pay directly for products and services.

The DApps will be able to accept payment in DIVI, Bitcoin, other cryptos, and possibly even fiat through various payment gateways. They will also allow developers to create their own customized metadata that resides on the Divi blockchain. This can connect a user’s identity and finances to the developer’s off-chain data or a website. This could include something such as a custom store selling digital products such as music or e-books, an exchange, or almost anything to do with commerce that requires payments.

A portion of Divi’s governance treasury is dedicated towards supporting the creation of applications on the platform by outside developers.

Governance System

Divi will launch with a basic governance system, built into the Smart Wallet. It will be phased in and improved over time, including new features based on advancements in the industry, and what our community wants.

Anyone with 10,000 or more DIVI in a wallet will be able to vote. One vote for each 10,000 coins. Whether one has a masternode or a staking wallet, they’ll be eligible. The more DIVI users are holding, the more power they’ll have to determine the future of our ecosystem.

Decentralized governance is part of the cutting edge of blockchain and we are democratizing it in new ways. Other masternode governance systems, such as for DASH or PIVX, are more like technocracies, because only an expert can set up a masternode to vote. Our easy masternode installation process makes it so that anyone can participate in governance, as long as they own enough DIVI.

How this plays out will depends a lot on our community. We expect more talented people will join us and so we’ll feel safer giving up more control. Because we’re breaking new ground here, expect to see our governance roadmap periodically improved based on what we’re learning both inside and outside of the Divi ecosystem.

Stage 1 - Settings

The first stage of governance will allow the community to vote on various settings such as

Some of these settings will adjust automatically based on the result of the vote. Others will require a software upgrade before they can be changed. Some, such as the inflation rate, may be one-way dials that can only be adjusted downwards.

Stage 2 - Proposals

At first, some spending proposals will be put up for vote by Divi’s founders, based on recommendations by the technical team. Later, community members themselves will be able to type up spending proposals themselves and bring them to a vote.

Not all spending will go through a vote process. Obvious maintenance and features, especially those that are on the roadmap, will be greenlit by our developers without a vote. Over time, the Divi community will get more power to make these decisions.

Stage 3 - Leadership

Initially, the decision about how The Divi Project grows will be made by the members of The Divi Foundation. As we see our community growing and demonstration behavior that inspires confidence, we’ll be able to allow the community to vote for new foundation council members to replace those that leave. Eventually, we hope the major of council seats will be elected.

There are both legal and technological challenges that need to be solved. Government rules regarding foundations aren’t written to handle multinational DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous leader in DAO governance, forging a new path that others will follow.


After “ease of use” and security, the next biggest challenge with cryptocurrencies is probably that there’s little to spend them on. The dream of crypto used everywhere for everyday purposes is still several years away, but Divi is taking on this challenge by providing the infrastructure to businesses and consumers to make this possible.

Marketplace Integrations

Our main focus regarding the marketplace will be to help people and businesses to offer their goods and services on their own websites. We’ll provide technology to make this easy for them, such as

These will connect directly to our smart wallet, making payment as easy as can be. They will even be able to adjust the DIVI price to continually convert to match that of a fiat currency such as US Dollars, if the merchant desires.

KYC and Identity Verification - In order to participate in the Marketplace, users must verify their identity. There will be no anonymity here so we don’t end up being Silk Road 2.0 and banned by governments.

Reaching Critical Mass - We don’t need every store online to accept DIVI, but we do need a critical mass of them so that people with DIVI can spend it on something, and the store owners themselves can in return spend it again, or use it for staking, rather than just converting it to bitcoin or dollars. Our plan to start is to get at least one good online vendor in every major vertical category, in the biggest markets such as the U.S. and Europe. These retailers will discover a new revenue stream with DIVI, stick with us, and we expand from there.

We’ll be working hard on many fronts to create a thriving DIVI economy, including perhaps working with leading young designers to create exclusive products that can only be purchased with DIVI. The Divi Project’s team includes people with extensive retail and product design experience, such as Geoff McCabe, Divi’s CEO, who used to own a chain of 30 retail stores, and worked in product design for eleven years.

Privacy & Anonymity

We must distinguish between privacy and anonymity. Privacy is a human right everyone is entitled to. Meanwhile, anonymity is a grey zone and likely to get cryptocurrencies banned by governments in the near future because of inevitable abuse by bad actors.

We expect authoritarian regimes and banks will use this as an excuse to try to ban or control cryptocurrencies. Our job is to give our users as much privacy and anonymity as possible without getting Divi banned.

Anonymous Addresses Our users will be able to use anonymous bitcoin-type addresses but depending on government legislation, we may need to limit the transaction amounts.

Name Registration Users who registering a name and verify their identities will open up the best features of the Smart Wallet, and be able to transfer unlimited amounts of DIVI.

Private Send We’ll ship with coin-mixing technology. Although this scheme has been deemed to theoretically be crackable by huge organizations such as the NSA, it provides a level of privacy sufficient for almost every user.

Other Technology

Atomic Swaps - Using “hash time-locked smart contracts” is vitally important to Divi. With this new technology, our users will be able to pay in DIVI while on the other side of the transaction, they receive any compatible cryptocurrency. Both Atomic Swaps and DEXs are still being tested and rapidly improved.

Forks - Forks have developed a bad name in cryptocurrencies. Divi is doing away with the idea of hard (and soft) forks. Both our blockchain and Smart Wallet will simply “upgrade” to new software versions when we need to fix them or add features.

KYC - Crypto was started with anonymity and privacy in mind, but governments are already cracking down on cryptocurrencies with full anonymity. We don’t intend to go the full anonymous route.

Mini Blockchain - In the medieval days of blockchain, every staking wallet and every masternode needed to download and update an entire copy of the blockchain. Every minute they grow larger, until chains like Bitcoin are already well over 100 GB. With a massive number of nodes, this makes the network very secure, but also with so much data duplication, very inefficient. The Divi Project’s mini-blockchain system uses milestones to greatly reduce this to a more manageable level for the staking wallets and lower level masternodes.

Quantum Resistance - We’re launching with Quark, a holdover from PIVX. This hash algorithm is very lightweight and ideal for our use. That is, until someone invents a quantum computer that can break quark. We have probably 5-7 years until that happens. Almost all cryptocurrencies are under this same threat, including Bitcoin, and many people are are working on solutions. Some, such as QRL already claim to have a working quantum-resistant blockchain. We don’t need to solve this problem ourselves. When the time comes, we’re confident we’ll be able to update to take care of the threat.

Scaling - At launch we’ll still be at Bitcoin speed, 7 TPS (Transactions Per Second) or so because we still have the remnants of Peercoin’s code in the Divi blockchain.

After mainnet launch, a priority will be to remove and recode this to greatly improve TPS. There are three ways we plan to do this, in the following order

Rest assured, we are aware that in order to achieve mass adoption and use by 50 million or more customers, the Divi blockchain has to be a lot faster than it will be at launch.


Cryptocurrency Adoption Timeline

Mass Adoption Theory

Mass adoption of cryptocurrencies is a long-term goal, expected to take 3-7 years. There are several things that need to happen to achieve this

Competitor Analysis

We’re often asked who we see as our competitors, but it’s not particularly relevant. The reason is that no one blockchain can hold all the world’s users and transactions, so we expect dozens or hundreds of cryptocurrencies to co-exist and thrive simultaneously.

Atomic swaps will insure that many cryptocurrencies can be used interchangeably. We expect that crypto users will be somewhat tribal in nature, with the average person using several of their favorite currency brands that appeal to them.

So rather than seeing other cryptos in the market as competition, we see them as allies in achieving worldwide adoption


During the build phase, we airdropped 3000 DIVX per week into the wallet of DIVX holders that had 1000 or more DIVX.

Chart Age Of Crypto Fans

Target Groups

The Crypto Curious

Bitcoin and cryptos are in the news every day, and millions of people are hearing about them. Despite their negative portrayal in mainstream media, everyone has a friend who ignored the news and got rich. These crypto-evangelists are sending millions of people looking for answers. Divi must provide educational resources to these newbies, to teach them all about crypto, becoming a trusted source of information, and an easy path get into the crypto world.

Masternode Fans

Crypto mining is wasting massive amounts of electricity, and the future of blockchains is Masternodes and Proof of Stake. This is one of the reasons why so many people are interested in Masternodes. The problem with them for most people is that they’re too difficult to set up. Divi’s one-click solutions are sure to appeal to those who want the continual stream of income that comes from a masternode. Our job is to make sure they know about us.


The largest generation, this includes people from ages 18-35. They already make up 67% of visitors to the Divi website and the majority of cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors. On average, they have the least wealth of the various generations, because they’re the youngest. But because millenials were early crypto adopter, there are tens of thousands of them that have made a fortune off the big gains in cryptos in 2017. All these factors make them the most important group for Divi to focus on.

The Unbanked

More than two billion people in the world don’t have a birth certificate and can’t ever open a bank account. Many are illiterate, but have smartphones. Divi’s easy-to-use wallet and crypto-banking solution is ideal for this market.

“$550 billion is transmitted every year as remittances from first-world countries. Sitting on top of that are companies like Western Union, and they take, on average, a cut of 9 percent of every single one of these transactions out of the pockets of the poorest people of the world. When you’re an immigrant and you can change your financial future by not paying 9 percent to send money home, imagine what happens if every month, instead of sending 91 dollars home, you send 100 dollars home. That makes a difference. There are a billion people, right now, with access to the internet and smartphones.” -- Andreas Antonopolous


Currently women make up less than 10% of cryptocurrency users, which means they are missing out on one of the world’s largest creations of wealth in history. Yet, women are known to be slightly better investors, on average, than men, and in the U.S. control 70% of household spending. They should make them natural for the crypto revolution, where patience and caution are paramount, but have been left out for various reasons. Divi is focused on finding ways to bridge this divide and close the gender gap in this space. Without women involved in crypto, there will be no mass adoption.

Women Investors


The Divi Project is setting up collaborations with influencers, celebrities, authority figures, and experts in various community driven industries to get our message to the people. A side-by-side comparison of our product, compared with others currently out there, will be enough to convince people that Divi offers many beneficial advantages.

Until now, the crypto space has relied too much on hype, hope, and outright shilling. We believe those days are rapidly coming to an end, so we intend to work with the most trustworthy people and companies to help build Divi’s reputation as solid and reliable.

Strategic Partnerships

The leaders of technology companies around the world have until now shunned cryptos for their customers because of the poor user experience. Many dabble in them for personal use or investment, but don’t want to annoy their clients with bad UX that would reflect badly on them.

The heads of these companies are an important target market for us. Once we have our Smart Wallet, we’ll reach out to them for a test drive, and work on partnerships that bring us to their large base of customers.


The fact is that mass adoption will never happen until ordinary users not only feel safe, but simply don’t have to worry so much about losing their money. The Divi Project sees a big opportunity here to stand out with our solutions that protect our users better than anyone else.

What Divi has realized is that although hackers and scammers get all the press, by far the biggest threat is user error. It’s up to us to make it very difficult for our users to make mistakes that result in lost funds. So we’ve come up with many new ways to guarantee transaction safety, and are using the best current security features too. These include

PIN Code Send Now users will be able to send funds to a friend that require a PIN code to unlock it within a preset time period. Give it to them by phone, which will stop Trojans that change the sendto address to their own. Most importantly, this also means one can’t send to a wrong or non-existing address because the funds would be returned.

Know Your Receiver Before hitting the send button, a user will now be able to see the photo and details of the receiving wallet’s owner. Relax, because there will be no more send errors.

Biometric Basics Fingerprint and Face ID will be implemented on mobile devices that offer them.

Vaulting We will be looking into ways that our users will be able lock their coins into the blockchain for a given period of time to secure them, so that even under duress or extortion, they will not be able to remove those coins from the wallet.

Multi-Sig Wallets/Pockets A user’s funds will be able to be set into a pocket that requires more than one signature to unlock, creating an extra layer of security.

KRS - Private Key Recovery Service There are a few options that allow people to recover their private keys.


Divi is an eco-friendly cryptocurrency. Bitcoin and other cryptos use massive amounts of electricity worldwide. The amount is so large that it’s been projected to be more than many medium-sized countries, and growing.

This is happening because of the “Proof of Work” consensus method that Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many other cryptocurrencies use when building their blockchains. There are now massive warehouses around the world burning huge amounts of power to solve the mathematical equations that are required to win the awards that come with adding a new block to the blockchain.

The Alternative to this Mining Madness

Another consensus mechanism exists called PoS (Proof of Stake) that Divi utilizes to do the same job as mining. Our coin holders can set up either a Masternode or a Staking Wallet to support our network, and are rewarded with more DIVI coins just like in mining, only it’s called minting instead.

Unlike mining, it works out that Divi’s PoS consensus method uses less than 1% of the power of bitcoin and similar “mined” cryptocurrencies.

DIVI by the Numbers

Blocks Created Per Year - 525,600

DIVI Created Per Year

2018-2019 - 657,000,000 per year 2020-2021 - 551,880,000 per year 2022-2023 - 446,760,000 per year 2024+ - 341,640,000 per year

Treasury Funds Created by Governance System, assuming 1 DIVI is US$0.02

2018-2019 - $105,120 per month 2020-2021 - $87,600 per month 2022-2023 - $70,080 per month 2024+ - $52,560 per month

Masternodes? How much will I earn?

Use one of the community masternode calculators to get an estimate

Slater Masternode Calculator Masternodes Online OriZ Calculator


Please be aware that this Whitepaper is our best attempt to explain our intentions and goals. We reserve the right to change anything here in order to have the flexibility to adjust with changing market conditions, to add new ideas that help us reach our goals faster, and to remove ideas that hinder us. Consider this to be a “living document” that will get updated from time to time.

Our goals include

Thank you for your support!

Copyright 2017 Qbito Technologies S.A. Costa Rica - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


The Divi Project has created the world's most advanced masternode technology that includes five layers, and a one-click setup. For the first time, average users are able to participate in a cryptocurrency network as full nodes with our eco-friendly system. This program is the first step towards Divi's vision of making cryptocurrencies safe, user-friendly, and accessible to everyone on earth. Divi's unique combination of technologies and roadmap are designed for this long term goal.


Our strategy is as follows:

Stage 1: Masternodes Made Easy

Our 100% PoS masternode technology is leagues ahead of anyone else. For the first time, anyone without technical skills can set up a masternode at home or in the cloud with a click. It's like Uber for your computer and anyone can earn an income by joining and supporting the Divi network. Using this technology, we build a strong network to process DIVI transactions.

Stage 2: User Friendly Smart Wallet

Our new blockchain allows us to socialize and humanize financial experiences by hiding the “crypto” underneath a sweet User Interface. This “Smart Wallet” is being designed to remove all the “pain points” that currently prevent ordinary people from getting excited about cryptocurrencies. Think of it this way: cryptos currently are like MS Dos in the early 1980’s. The Divi Project is bringing the user experience of Apple with the social genius of Facebook in its blockchain/smart-wallet system.

Stage 3: Mass Adoption of Digital Currencies

We believe that cryptocurrencies are an unstoppable wave that will replace current monetary systems. Although this process will take several years, the benefits to users make this inevitable. Divi's technical roadmap and marketing plan are designed to keep us at the cutting edge, as tens of trillions of dollars of new wealth is created.

Media Attention

The amount of mainstream media attention achieved by The Divi Project is unprecedented for a cryptocurrency of this size. Divi founders have been interviews on TV on multiple occasions, including twice on the floor of the NY Stock Exchange with CheddarTV. Also twice on Tech Republic and at once at Nasdaq. Other media coverage includes articles in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc, Hackernoon, and dozens of other outlets. A full list of media mentions can be found here: Divi in the News


Divi's leadership team members all have more than 25 years experience in their fields. CEO and co-founder, Geoff McCabe, has a master’s degree in physics and has led three multi-million dollar businesses to success before joining Divi. Michael Greenwood started at Microsoft as a lead developer at age 19, and rose to become a principal UX designer for projects such as Origami, Xbox, SQL Server, Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1, and 10.

The Divi advisory board includes former Yahoo Chief Solutions Officer Tim Sanders, futurist Ramez Naam, winner of last year’s Phillip K Dick award for best Sci Fi novel, Doug Scott, former President of Ogilvy Entertainment, and Toni Lane Casserly, former CEO and founder of Cointelegraph.

Divi Team Details: Team

New Technology

Masternodes: We have the world’s first multi-tiered masternode system, with five levels of increasing awards. Masternodes can also be installed on a home computer, or in the cloud by any level of user with a single click.

Blockchain: Our new blockchain works in combination with our Masternodes and Smart Wallet to allow for a smoother User Experience than has existed in the cryptocurrency world until now. This allows us to use an email or personal name for transactions rather than impossible-to-remember strings of random characters. It also allows social interaction between buyer and seller, which reduces errors and the fear of hitting that “SEND” button.

Lottery Blocks: Also the first crytpo to have this. Once per week a lottery block is mined that awards a few lucky Divi stakers a jackpot.

Security: Security is greatly improved when social interactions between sender and receiver are available. We’ll have a multi-faceted security system that allows users to build a security solution that they’re comfortable with, and can range from “casual” to Ft Knox.

Be Your Own Bank: Much more than just a wallet, our “bank in a box” has many innovative new features to help people save, protect, earn, or send money to friends, family, businesses, and charities. We have a piggy bank feature, security vaulting, subscription payments, auto-splitting of payments between partners, and even a way to collect and send off taxes. You can send transaction to someone’s email and encrypt it yourself with a PIN code. You’ll never need or want a brick-and-mortar bank again.

Future Proof

The future of Cryptocurrencies is uncertain with regard to intervention by governments and the banks that influence or control them. The Divi Project’s coin is designed to have the flexibility to be able to comply, if need be, with future regulations that are currently being discussed.

DIVI also should not be classified as a Security by the SEC because it passes rule #4 of the infamous “Howey Test”. This is for several reasons:

Purchasers of Divi coins should be able to rest easy, knowing we’re doing our best to plan for any governmental intervention that may affect the future of Divi’s use and value.

ICO Details

The Divi Project had a successful token sale during Sept-Nov of 2017. 8.33% of tokens generated went to the founders and the rest were used for operations or ICO participants. Starting as an ERC20 token called DIVX, a token swap of 1 DIVX to 100 DIVI was started in late June of 2018 that included full KYC/AML to screen out United States residents, in compliance with U.S. SEC requirements.

Contact and Connect

Website: Email: [email protected]

Articles: Facebook: Reddit: Telegram: Twitter: YouTube:

Community Guidelines

Building Community

The Divi community channels (telegram, discord) are a very important first point of contact with people who may be interested in joining the Divi ecosystem. While we applaud feedback - negative as well as positive - we won’t tolerate intentionally vitriolic, hateful, destructive communication in our telegram channels. If you are a DIVX/DIVI coin holder, posting a lot of FUD and negativity is hurting everyone, including yourself.

Therefore, think before you post: Is a comment adding value to the discussion and community? Has the team already answered the question earlier? If you have an issue and feel inclined to challenge the team, consider asking a thoughtful question before going on the attack. You’ll get a much better reception and gain the respect of our community by taking the high road and asking questions, not providing leading statements.

Think of our Telegram as a gathering space within the Divi headquarters, and behave appropriately. Would you go to our office and start shouting or insulting other people inside? If you did, you'd expect for security to kick you to the curb.

We love that you are here to help us build a community and support us in our goal of making crypto easy. Yet, you must remember that membership in the Divi telegram is a privilege and not a right. We will not tolerate unprofessional, inappropriate conduct toward the team or the other users.

In an effort to keep conversation productive, Divi requires that the following guidelines be followed when communicating in our telegram. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in temporary restriction from posting, or in extreme cases permanent removal from the channel.

General Rules

  1. Be proactive in searching the channel for questions previously answered.
  2. Debates should be scholarly and fact-oriented. Baseless claims with no proof of claim do not make for a sound argument and will receive a warning. “My friend is an expert, and I trust his assessment more than you” does not gain any ground in an argument. Let your friend advance their argument if that is what they believe.
  3. Argue the idea or position, not the person. “You are stupid” is a weak argument and will receive a warning for hostility toward another user.
  4. Misogyny: we do not want or tolerate a “bro” culture typical in many crypto and tech groups. Gender-based attacks, sexualization and objectification, etc., will get you kicked out fast. Besides the fact that Divi wants to appeal to women, and bringing more women into the blockchain space is essential for mass adoption, this kind of talk is just stupid, wrong, and embarrassing. Time to grow up.
  5. Users may not demean or otherwise insult other users based on race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or financial status.
  6. Outside links to pump & dump groups, other channels, airdrop scams, pornographic websites, etc. are forbidden and will be automatically removed and may result in an immediate ban.
  7. Price conversations are, in general, discouraged, especially when related to the encouragement of creating pumps in volume or value. We believe value is a result not a strategy.
  8. Incessant provocation (trolling) of other members is prohibited and will result in a warning. For example, making comments in a post either direct or implied toward another member purposely designed to upset, antagonize, make fun of, belittle, harass, insult or otherwise instigate an argument that takes away from the personal enjoyment of the channel by others.
  9. Excessive restating of a point of view after a reasonable explanation and discussion will result in a warning.
  10. Some subjects can invite a flame war. Be careful discussing things where emotions run high (e.g., politics, religion, even which team will win the world cup). Show respect for those who have different beliefs than yours.
  11. Posting any files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another’s computer will almost certainly result in immediate removal for the protection of the community.
  12. Posting any information obtained or transmitted initially in confidence or with the implied belief that the message was in confidence without the express permission of the original author of the communication will result in a warning and removal of the post. Additionally, members are prohibited from sharing or reposting any private, direct communication between administrators.
  13. The golden rule is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” However, you may also apply The silver rule of “Do not do unto others as you would not have them do unto you.”

So just be excellent to each other. Patience, kindness, and gratitude are the Divi way.


Pseudo Anonymous commenting is allowed. However, the Divi team will be much more tolerant of comments from users known to us. If it appears that a user is hiding behind a cloak of anonymity to start trouble, we may choose to remove that person. The founders of Divi are known people, and if we are to be attacked we reserve the right to know who is doing it.

Branding Guidelines

See details about the Divi Brands.


Logos should only be used for promotional purposes and not for profit.

Divi Logos

RiDivi Logos
